Terms of service
感謝你瀏覽eshop@TwinnerModel (「TwinnerModel」或「我們」) 的網站 (「本網站」)。本網站由千里達玩具模型公司專門為其使用網上購物服務的顧客而設計。你可以根據以下服務條款及任何其他本網站所提及的條例 (統稱「服務條款」) 存取或使用本網站或相關服務 (統稱「服務」)。使用服務, 例如於本網站訂貨, 即表示你同意所有服務條款。
TwinnerModel保留在任何時間更改本網站、相關政策及協議、私隱政策以及本服務條款的權利。你應該定時瀏覽本網站, 查看上述的政策及協議、私隱政策以及本服務條款的更新或更改。
你需要註冊帳戶, 才能使用本網站提供的部分服務。註冊帳戶即表示你同意提供任何方面均為真實、正確、最新和完整的個人資料。如欲進一步了解我們如何使用你的個人資料, 請參閱我們的私隱政策。18歲以下人士必須在註冊使用本網站和服務前讓家長或監護人得悉 TwinnerModel的私隱政策。TwinnerModel保留只接受18歲以上人士訂貨的權利。
使用本網站即表示你同意負責以你的帳戶所執行的所有活動。你有責任保障帳戶和密碼的安全。如果你感到或懷疑有人盜用或在未經授權下使用你的帳戶, 請立即聯絡我們。
如你的帳戶執行包括但不限於以下活動, 我們可能對你的帳戶採取相關行動:
- a) 使用任何技術企圖隱藏使用多個帳戶, 或以任何方式擾亂我們任何服務
- b) 發起任何含有非法、傷害、恐嚇、濫用、騷擾、誹謗、粗俗、淫褻、褻瀆、仇恨、會引起種族和民族反感成分的資料的訊息
- c) 宣傳或發送任何濫發訊息
- d) 冒充他人或提供任何虛假資料
TwinnerModel有權自行決定終止任何帳戶。在此情況下, 我們會發電郵通知你有關帳戶終止的事宜。
TwinnerModel的所有軟件和內容 (其定義為, 或包括任何文字、音訊或音樂、影片、圖像、相片和圖片) 是TwinnerModel的知識產權作品, 並受知識產權、版權法和國際公約條款的保護。本網站只供作個人及非商業用途。只有得到TwinnerModel及/或其第三方授權人明確授權, 方可使用內容作任何非個人及/ 或非商業用途。在未獲TwinnerModel同意或授權前, 不可發佈、複製、發佈、售賣或特許任何本網站的內容。任何未經授權的行為可能會導致民事後果或刑事處罰。
TwinnerModel保留在沒有通知的情況下撤消或修改任何服務的權利。若本網站因任何理由在任何時間或任何期間無法使用, 我們概不負責。
4. 第三方連結
本網站可能包含其他非 TwinnerModel管理或準備的網站或資源。我們不能控制此等網站及資源, 因此我們對任何使用此等網站及資源後而引致或與其有關的損失、損壞或指控概不負責。
對於任何本網站以外的內容及其準確性, 包括但不限於本網站的廣告商, TwinnerModel概不負責。用家使用本網站以外的網站或資源需自行承擔風險, 並受此等網站各自的使用及服務條款約束。
5. 購買資格
如要在TwinnerModel購物, 須符合以下條件:
- a) 年滿18歲或以上
- b) 持有 TwinnerModel接受作為付款方式而且由持牌銀行發出的有效信用卡或轉帳卡, 或持有有效的PayPal帳戶
- c) 保證你所提供的個人及付款資料為有效而且正確 (包括電郵地址、真實姓名、電話號碼、記帳資料和其他本網站要求的資料)
於本網站訂購貨品, 即表示你授權TwinnerModel於你的信用卡/轉帳卡或PayPal帳戶收取金額為訂單總額的費用。你亦明確授權我們使用你所提供的個人資料進行適當的反詐騙檢查, 例如信用審查, 以及在必要的時候, 向第三方或從第三方傳送或獲取關於你的資訊。第三方包括但不限於信貸參考機構或反詐騙機構, 而此等機構可能保存有關資料。如欲了解更多關於本公司如何使用個人資料的資訊, 請參閱我們的私隱政策
所有訂購貨品受倉庫供應情況和訂購價格之確認狀況影響。購物籃中的貨品不設預留, 而且有可能被其他客戶購買。
6. 產品描述
TwinnerModel將盡力確保本網站的內容和產品描述為準確和完整。不過, 我們不保證內容和產品描述均為準確、完整、最新和無誤。
7. 價格
除非出現明顯錯誤, 否則你的訂單獲接納時即代表你同意支付本網站所顯示的價格。
我們盡力確保本網站所顯示的所有價格準確, 但不能保證所有價格無誤, 並保留更正任何錯誤的權利。如果我們發現你已訂購的任何產品價格有誤, 我們會盡快通知你,屆時你可選擇重新確認或取消訂單。如果未能聯絡閣下, 我們將把訂單作取消訂單般處理。
如果你的信用卡/ 轉帳卡不是港元(HKD)戶口, 最終收費會以你的戶口貨幣由你的發卡銀行根據其處理交易當天的適用匯率計算。
8. 使用貨幣及收費
9. 付款
我們接受客戶以Visa、MasterCard付款。 如使用以上信用卡/ 轉帳卡及網上付款方法, 即表示你確認你為該信用卡/轉帳卡或PayPal帳戶的持有人, 或獲得持有人授權使用。如果你的信用卡/轉帳卡發行機構拒絕授權向TwinnerModel支付款項, 我們將對於為任何延遲或停止送貨的情況概不負責。 我們的交易過程符合支付卡產業設定的嚴格國際安全標準, 令你體驗既安全又有保障的購物過程。如果你已在本網站註冊帳戶並決定於本公司儲存信用卡資料, 你的資料將被完全加密, 只用於處理你要進行的交易, 並安全地保存在我們的系統。在我們沒有出現疏忽的情況下, 如果任何第三方未經授權獲得你在使用我們服務時所提供的資料, 我們對你可能遭受的任何損失概不負責。
10. 接受訂單
當你輸入個人資料、付款資料並提交訂單, 我們將向你發出電郵以確認收到訂單。該電郵僅確認收到訂單, 並不代表接受訂單。我們向你發出電郵確認貨品已經寄出時, 即表示你的訂單已獲接受, 而你與TwinnerModel的合約亦已完成。只有在寄出貨品時發出的確認電郵中列出的貨品包括於合約中。因此, 所有的銷售合約以英文在香港特別行政區訂立。
- a) 你所訂購的貨品缺貨, 或因為未能達到我們的品質標準或因為其中一項或全部訂購貨品適用於送貨限制而被撤回。
- b) 我們發現價格或產品描述有誤
- c) 我們未能獲得付款授權
如果你的訂單有任何問題, 我們的客戶服務團隊會盡快聯絡你。
11. 送貨和取貨
當你在網上落下訂單時, 你會收到一個預期送貨時間的提示。TwinnerModel團隊會盡力於預計時間內完成送貨, 但不能保證一定能於預計時間內把貨品送到你手上。提取貨品時, 你需要簽署收取產品確認。簽署後, 你開始為貨品承擔責任。如果收貨人或提取人不是原來購買者, 或者交付的是禮物, 即表示你接受上述人士的簽署確認為送貨證據並表示TwinnerModel已完成你的訂單, 同時接受相關的責任轉移。TwinnerModel保留在沒有事先通知下自行決定更新送貨政策的權利。TwinnerModel保留可絕對酌情決定拒絕向任何顧客送付貨品的權利。
12. 退貨
13. 適用法律
14. 責任
產品售賣於本網站的設計師、公司或第三方及其關聯人士向任何媒體所表達的觀點純屬其個人意見。TwinnerModel對任何此等觀點概不負責, 而此等觀點不一定反映本公司的觀點。TwinnerModel不保證使用本網站和服務均為無誤, 也不保證本網站或支援本網站的伺服器沒有病毒或其他有害成分。我們建議所有本網站的用戶確保自己已安裝最新軟件, 包括防毒軟件。 某些事情可能在本公司的合理監管之外發生, 例如惡劣天氣。在此等情況下, TwinnerModel會盡力維持服務, 但對於任何未能滿足本服務條款的責任概不負責。
16. 賠償及豁免
你同意我們免於承擔及應我們要求向我們, 即TwinnerModel (包括其員工、董事、代理人、關聯人士、認可者及供應商) , 全數賠償因你任何違反服務條款的行為所致的所有責任、索賠、費用、損壞和損失, 包括律師費。這包括任何其他人士因你的行動或沒有行動的情況下利用你的帳戶使用本網站。 如果你違反服務條款而我們沒有對你的行為採取任何行動, 並不代表本公司放棄在其他違反服務條款的情況下行使我們的權利和解決措施。
17. 投訴
我們設有投訴處理程序, 如有爭議出現時可即時解決。如對訂單有相關的投訴或意見, 請聯絡我們的客戶服務團隊。
Terms and Conditions
eshop@TwinnerModel (“TwinnerModel” or “We”) has been especially designed by “Twinner Trading Company” for customers using its online shopping services. Access to and use of eshop@TwinnerModel website (“the Site”) and related services (collectively, the “Services”) are made available to you in accordance with the following Terms of Use & Service and any other rules posted on the Site (collectively, the “Terms Of Service” or “TOS”). By using the Services, such as placing orders on the Site, you are agreeing to all of the Terms Of Service.
We reserves the right to make changes to the Site, related policies and agreements, the Privacy Policy and this TOS at any time. You are advised to check the Site from time to time to check the update or changes to the said policies and agreements, the Privacy Policy and the TOS.
- Registration
You will need to register an account to use some of the Services available to you on the Site. In registering an account you agree to provide information about yourself that is true, accurate, current, and complete in all respects. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how we use your personal data. If you are under 18, you must let your parents or guardian know about TwinnerModel’s Privacy Policy before you register to use the Site and the Services.
In using the Site, you agree to accept responsibility for all activities conducted through your account. You are responsible for keeping your account and password secure. If you feel or suspect that the security of your account has been compromised or if there is unauthorized use of your account, please contact us immediately.
- Prohibitions and Failure to Comply
We may take actions against your account for activities including, but not limited to:
- Using any technology to attempt to hide the use of multiple accounts or disrupt any of our Services in any way
- Initiating communications that contain any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material
- Advertising or sending unsolicited messages of any kind
- Impersonating others or providing any kind of false information We reserves the right to terminate any account at its sole discretion We may send you an email to inform you of the termination of your account in such event.
- Intellectual Property
All software and Content (which is defined as, or includes, any text, audio or music, video, graphics, photographs, and image) are the intellectual property of TwinnerModel and are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The Site is for your personal and non-commercial use only. Any non-personal and/or commercial use of the Content is only permitted when expressly authorized by TwinnerModel and/or its third party licensors. You may not distribute, reproduce, publish, sell or license any Content contained within the Site without prior consent or authorization of TwinnerModel. Any such unauthorized actions may result in civil consequences or criminal penalties.
We reserves the right to withdraw or amend any item of the Services without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason the Site is unavailable at any time and for any period.
- Third Party Links
The Site may include links to other websites or resources that are not operated or prepared by TwinnerModel. We have no control over such sites and resources and we will not accept responsibility for them or be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with your use of them.
We is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-Site pages, which include but is not limited to advertisers of the Site. Use of these external websites or resources will be at your own risk and subject to the terms of use and service contained within each of such sites.
- Eligibility to Purchase
In order to place orders with us, you must meet our conditions of eligibility:
- Be in possession of a valid credit card issued by a licensed bank acceptable to TwinnerModel for payment or be in possession of a valid PayPal account
- Providing personal and payment details that are warranted by you to be both valid and accurate (email address, real name, phone number, billing information and other requested information as indicated on the Site)
In placing an order with us, you authorize TwinnerModel to process a charge or charges on your credit card or PayPal account in the amount of the total purchase price of your order. You also expressly authorize us to use personal information provided by you to perform appropriate anti-fraud checks such as credit checks and also to, where necessary, transmit or obtain information about you to or from third parties including, but not limited to, credit reference or fraud-prevention agencies, which may keep a record of that information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information about how we use your data.
All orders are subject to stock availability and confirmation of the order price. Items in your shopping basket are not reserved and may be purchased by other customers.
The Site is for your personal use only. You may not purchase goods from the Site for reselling purposes or commercial exploitation.
- Product Description
We will endeavour to ensure that the Content and the product descriptions on the Site to be accurate and complete as possible. We however do not warrant that Content and product descriptions are accurate, complete, current or error-free.
- Pricing
Prices are shown on the Site in HK Dollars (HKD). Prices displayed on the Site at the time your order is accepted will be honored except in the case of obvious error. Whilst we use our best endeavours to ensure that all prices appearing on the Site are accurate, we do not guarantee that they are error-free and reserve our right to rectify any errors. If we discover an error in the price of any products that you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and offer you the option of reconfirming or cancelling your order. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled.
The price advertised on the Site are for on-line shopping only and may be differ from B&M store. The price of certain Products, in particular hot sale produce, is subject to fluctuation of supply and is offered for guidance only.
If your credit card is not denominated in HK Dollars (HKD), the final price charged in your currency will be calculated by your issuing bank in accordance with the applicable exchange rate on the day your card issuer processes the transaction.
- Currency Charging
If you have selected a reference currency, please note that this is only for reference and to aid you in your online shopping. All purchases and other transactions are charged in HKDollars (HKD).
Please note that there will be a slight variance between the reference price provided on our website and the actual amount charged to you by your bank. Your bank might have a different currency exchange rate (usually higher), plus your credit card may incur surcharges for purchases made in other currencies.
- Payment
We accept payments made by Visa, MasterCard via Stripe.
By placing an order using one of the above Credit card and online payment methods, you confirm that the Credit card(s) used is yours or that you have been authorized by the owner to use it. If your card issuer refuses to authorize payment to TwinnerModel, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery.
- Acceptance of your Order
Once you have entered your personal and payment details and placed your order, we shall send you an email acknowledging the receipt of your order. This email is only a confirmation of receipt of your order and does not constitute an acceptance of your order. Your order will be accepted and the contract between you and TwinnerModel will be completed when we send you an email to confirm the goods have been dispatched to you.
We reserves its right not to accept an order for any reason at its sole discretion. Such reasons include, but are not limited to, one of the following:
- The product you ordered is out of stock, or is withdrawn due to its failure to meet our quality standards or due to the shipping restrictions applicable to one or all of the ordered items.
- We identify a pricing or product description error.
- We are unable to obtain authorization for payment.
- You do not meet the eligibility criteria to purchase as set out in this TOS.
Our Customer Service team will contact you as soon as possible if there are any problems with your order.
- Shipping and Collections
TwinnerModel’s teams will try their best to meet these estimated delivery time but cannot guarantee that such estimates must be met.
You need to sign a confirmation of receipt of the products when the products are collected and by doing so, you accept the responsibility for the products ordered from that moment on. If the recipient or collector is not the original purchaser, or in case of delivery of a gift, then you accept this signature as an evidence of delivery and fulfilment of your order by TwinnerModel. You also accept the associated transfer of responsibility in the same way. Certain orders will be subjected to a shipping fee (details please refer to shipping information). We reserves the right to update its shipping policy at its sole discretion without prior notice. We reserves the right to decline delivery of the Products to any Customer at its sole discretion absolutely.
- Returns
Please refer to our Return & Exchange Policy, which states the rules and the methods for customers to follow.
- Applicable Law
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Customer and TwinnerModel agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
- Liability
Views expressed in any media by the designers, companies or third parties, whose products are sold on the Site or with whom we are associated, are their own. We takes no responsibility for any such views as they do not necessarily reflect ours.
We does not guarantee that the use of the Site and Services will be error-free or that the Site or the servers that make it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. We recommend all users of the Site to ensure they have up-to-date software, including anti-virus, installed.
Some events may happen beyond our reasonable control, such as adverse weather. Under such conditions, We will always do its best to aim at maintaining its Services but will not be responsible for failing to meet any obligations in this TOS.
- Force Majeure
If the performance by TwinnerModel of its obligations under TwinnerModel site is prevented by reason of “force majeure” (which shall include prevention occasioned by fire, casualty, accident, act of God, natural disaster, any law, order, proclamation, regulation, demand or requirement of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or of any of its government agencies, strikes, labour disputes, shortage of labour or lack of skilled labour, shortage or unavailability of products or raw materials, delay in transit or other causes whatsoever (whether similar to the foregoing or not) beyond the reasonable control of TwinnerModel), We shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention.
- Indemnity And Waiver
At our request, you agree to compensate us fully and hold us, TwinnerModel (including its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, licensors, and suppliers), harmless from and against all liabilities, claims, expenses, damages and losses, including legal fees, arising from any breach of the TOS by you. This includes the use of the Site by any other persons using your account caused by your action or inaction.
If you breach the TOS and we take no action against you, it is no wavier for us to exercise our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach the TOS.
- Complaints
We have our complaints handling procedure that we will use to try to resolve any disputes when they first arise. Please contact us for any order related complaints or comments.
We respects the intellectual property of others. If you have reason to believe your work may have been used in the Site without your permission, please contact us.